Radiated Tortoise

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Radiated Tortoise
Growing to a carapace length of up to 16 inches and weighing up to 35 pounds, G. radiata is considered to be one of the world's most beautiful tortoises. G. radiata has the basic "tortoise" body shape which consists of the high-domed carapace, a blunt head, and elephantine feet. The legs, feet, and head are yellow except for a variably sized black patch on top of the head. The carapace of G. radiata is brilliantly marked with yellow lines radiating from the center of each dark plate of the shell, hence the name radiated tortoise. This "star" pattern is more finely detailed and intricate than the normal pattern of other star-patterned tortoise species, such as G. elegans of India. G. radiata is also larger than G. elegans, and the scutes of the carapace are smooth, and not raised up into a bumpy, pyramidal shape as is commonly seen in the latter species. There is slight sexual dimorphism. Compared to females, male G. radiata usually have longer tails and the notch in the plastron beneath the tail is more noticeable.


Radiated Tortoise

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Radiated Tortoise

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