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Wool Waste
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  • Fengyuen Textile, China
    Yang has been a user since 2008-04-15
    A potential trading partner for Wool Recycling
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  • Euro Used Clothes, Spain
    Joaquin has been a user since 2016-09-22
    A potential trading partner for Wool Recycling
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  • Wilhelm Daghofer, Austria
    Wilhelm has been a user since 2008-02-04
    A potential trading partner for Wool Scrap
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  • Flaxloom NV, Belgium
    Peter has been a user since 2012-06-20
    A potential trading partner for Wool Scrap
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  • CH. Zafar Ali H.Rehman, Pakistan
    Yasir has been a user since 2008-06-04
    A potential trading partner for Scrap Wool
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  • BKV Sorting LLC, USA
    Katia has been a user since 2012-04-16
    A potential trading partner for Wool Recycling
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  • Karatsialis Bros & Company, Greece
    Athanasios has been a user since 2007-01-04
    A potential trading partner for Wool Recycling
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  • Appodia Cav. Nello S. R. L., Italy
    Appodia has been a user since 2007-08-28
    A potential trading partner for Wool Recycling
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  • ESTS Tux Inc., USA
    Mark has been a user since 2010-09-28
    A potential trading partner for Wool Recycling
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  • Wilhelm Daghofer, Austria
    Wilhelm has been a user since 2008-02-04
    A potential trading partner for Wool Recycling
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  • Bank & Vogue Ltd, Canada
    Hans has been a user since 2012-08-27
    A potential trading partner for Wool Recycling
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  • Deezine Upcycled Clothing, Canada
    D has been a user since 2018-09-23
    A potential trading partner for Secondary Wool
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  • Kuang Ho Fa Enterprise Co, Taiwan
    Larry has been a user since 2007-11-26
    A potential trading partner for Wool Scrap
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  • MVD Enterprises Inc, USA
    Arjun has been a user since 2016-02-18
    A potential trading partner for Wool Scrap
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  • Sth Co. Ltd., Turkey
    Taner has been a user since 2012-12-21
    A potential trading partner for Wool Scrap
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  • Koyo-ANP Import/Export, China
    Qinwei has been a user since 2008-04-23
    A potential trading partner for Wool Recycling
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  • Desert Snow, Japan
    Michio has been a user since 2008-09-22
    A potential trading partner for Wool Recycling
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  • Friends LLC, USA
    Zack has been a user since 2018-07-08
    A potential trading partner for Wool Scrap
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  • GreenKeepers (Pvt) Limited, Sri Lanka
    Edward has been a user since 2008-09-04
    A potential trading partner for Wool Scrap
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  • Derotex NV, Belgium
    Manu has been a user since 2015-02-18
    A potential trading partner for Wool Scrap
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  • The on-line directories are provided as a service to subscribing members.

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